If you want to access to the data collection campaign, here are the 3 steps to follow:
1/ Open the launching email
2/ Log in to Astore Suite
3/ Access the data collection
1/ Open the launching email
The day the data collection will be launched, you will receive a email informing you the data collection is opened (if you did not receive it, check in your spam emails).
You will find in this email information about the training content, the support provided, how to log in to Astore Suite and find your data collection.
2/ Log in to Astore Suite
To access Astore Suite and fill in your data collection, click on the Astore Suite link appearing in the launching email: AStore - Contacts : welcome (astoresuite.com)
You will be redirected to the log in page. Fill in your ID and password to log in Astore Suite:
3/ Access the Data collection
Once logged in Astore Suite:
1. Click on the "Data collection" module appearing on the home page to access to your data collection campaigns
2. Click on the "Data collection" module in the side bar and select "Campaigns"
You are now on the "Data collection" page:
1. If you have only one campaign running, the Data collection form will appear directly. You can then begin to fill in your data collection campaign.
2. If you have different data collection campaign running, check the data collection campaigns names and select the data collection campaign called "DATA COLLECTION FOR ASTORE'S CATALOGUE".
To select the campaign, click on the boxes in the data collection camaign list.