As manufacturers, you will be asked to fill in the same Data Collection Campaign as suppliers (distributors). However, you will not need to fill all the information listed in the Data Collection.
The main interest for you by filling this Data Collection is to provide information to hotels about your products and your business. You will have the possibility to share with hotels documents that you think are relevant for them to know more about your company.
To fill in your Data Collection, please follow the instruction below:
The Data Collection campaign is composed of 5 sections. In those sections you will fill in information about your business that will be shared with hotels once the catalogue will be deployed.
As manufacturer, you only need to fill in 3 of those sections:
- Section "ABOUT"
- Section " CONTACT TO BE DISPLAYED IN THE CATALOGUE" (only if you want to share a contact to be displayed in the catalogue)
- Section "DOCUMENTS TO BE DISPLAYED IN THE CATALOGUE" (if you have documents to share with hotels)
For your information, fields from the "ABOUT" section are mandatory. In order for us to create your manufacturer's page in Astore Procurement, we need you to make sure those mandatory fields are filled in.
1/ Section "ABOUT"
In this section, you will have to fill in general information about your business. You will need to fill in the following information:
- Website: specify the website address of your company.
- Supplier description: Detailed description of the company and your products and/or services. This should be a commercial description. As a manufacturer you can add here the distributors you work with. We recommend you to write at least 50 words to give as much information as possible to hotels.
- Logo: add the logo of your company by clicking on this icon . Then select the wanted file in you computer. Please make sure to use PNG or JPEG format.
- Keywords: please fill in keywords associated to your business allowing hotels to find you easily through the search function in Astore Procurement. If you have more than one key word, please write it like this - keyword1, keyword2, keyword3
All the fields in this section are mandatory. Make sure to fill in those fields before validating your Data Collection campaign.
2/ Section "HOW TO ORDER"
If you are a manufacturers or you are not directly distributing products to hotels, you do not need to fill in this section.
For your information, in this section, distributors will be asked to fill in the ordering information hotels can refer to to order from them.
They will have the possiblity to fill in the following ordering information depending on the contact channel they want to use with hotels:
- Ordering website
- Ordering email
- Phone number (mobile or landline)
- Fax
- Postal address (street/block number, postal code, city, country)
Once they have filled in those information they will also be asked to fill in the "How to order description" field. It will allow them to give guidelines to hotels on how to place an order with them.
3/ Section "CONDITIONS"
If you are a manufacturers or you are not directly distributing products to hotels, you are free to decide if you want to fill in some of those fields.
For your information, in this section, suppliers will be asked to specify the delivery conditions. They will have the possiblity to fill in the following information:
- Delivery region: Delivery area covered by the supplier (country, area…
- Discount: preferential conditions to be taken into consideration for Accor. For example, discount on listing price (specify the amount), preferential delivery conditions or other benefits.
- Shipping fees: Shipping fees charged to hotels per order.
- Delivery conditions: Delivery conditions details. For example: delivery windows available, lead time to ship, available delivery days, express delivery.
- Other delivery conditions: Free text to specify other delivery conditions.
- Other: Any other relevant information they wish to inform the clients. For example, Customer Service contacts, Key Account manager contacts, days of no service/delivery, working hours...
- Payment terms: indications about when and how payment should be made
- Minimum order: Smallest amount or number that may be ordered in one delivery.
In this section you will be asked to fill in the contact you want to display on the catalogue (specific person, customer service, after sale service...). This contact will be accessible to hotels.
Please fill in the first name and the last name of your contact, as well as his/her email address and country.
If you are a manufacturers or you are not directly distributing products to hotels, you can fill in this section if you consider it is relevant.
In this section, you will be asked to updload documents you think are relevent to share with hotels.
When adding the document, please make sure to fill in the following information:
- Name of the document
- Document type: make sure to classify your document in the corresponding section (commercial brochures, prices, sustainable development, supplier files + contacts, Administrative documents)
- Description: a short description of the document might help hotels to understand the content of the file.
- File: click on "Drop files here to upload" to add a file to your Data Collection campaign. You can add different format of files (Excel, Word, PowerPoint, PDF, PNG, JPEG). Once your file is uploaded, you can see a preview of it.
- Validity start date: write the day, month and year (dd/mm/yy)
- Validity End date: write the day, month and year (dd/mm/yy)
- Status: mark your document as active if you want to display it in the directory or as inactive if you want it to only be accessible in the back office by category managers.
- Countries: specify in which countries you want this document to be displayed.
You can add as much document as you want. To add a new document, please click on "ADD A NEW DOCUMENT".
If you are a manufacturer or you are not directly distributing products to hotels, you can fill in this section if you consider it is relevant.
Once you have filled in your Data Collection, you can then click on "Save and conclude" to finalized your data collection.
In case you want to come back to the Data Collection later, you can click on the "Save" button. It will save your work but will not submit your information until you have clicked on "Save and conclude".
So make sure to come back later to validate your Data Collection campaign!