As a supplier, you may have some questions regarding the Supplier Directory on AStore that you cannot find the answer to in other articles. As a reminder, you can review an introduction here: What is Astore Procurement Suppliers' directory? and other articles are available alongside this.
Here are some questions that have been asked previously and may answer your questions:
Questions regarding the tool (Training, Access, Updates...)
Q: Can I watch a recording of the training webinar?
A: Yes, A training video that was made previously is available here: Training Webinar - Data Collection Campaign
Q: We do not have a log in for AStore Suite and need to submit our data. How can we get access?
A: Normally, you have only been contacted if you already have a log in to Astore Suite. However sometimes, an internal team member or colleague may have forwarded you the information for the data collection campaign, and you don't have a log in. This is easy to solve, please contact the customer support team or your main point of contact for AStore supplier Directory and they will be able to give you access
Q: As a supplier I cant access the directory on AStore, whats the correct link or why is this?
A: Only clients can log on to the directory. We do not allow suppliers access as you will see all other suppliers data. For you to submit your information for the directory suppliers use Astore Suite only.
Q: Will other suppliers have access to my conditions?
A: No. Each supplier provides their details in Astore Suite, and in Astore Suite you can only view your own supplier details, no one elses. On the AStore Procurement Supplier Directory all suppliers conditions will be visible, but only to clients. Suppliers will not have access to the Supplier Directory directly.
Q: Can I save my information during the data collection campaign without submitting it?
A: Yes! Just click "Save" rather than "Save & Submit"
Q: Is it possible to modify our information after the end of the data collection (if change of our organization / logo / address ...)?
R: After the end of the data collection, it is not possible to modify your information in the data collection module anymore. You will need to conatct your catman if you want to change some information. However, very soon we will have a "Self Update" feature, with which you will be able to modify your data at any time.
Q: What should I do if I want to update some information in 3 or 4 months time for example?
A: After the launch of a directory, there will be a self update feature available for each supplier in order to easily keep their information updated. More information on this will follow.
Q: As a supplier, can i see a preview of what hotels can see?
A: Currently this is not possible. However we are working on this development, so that when in AStore Suite, you will have a preview of what your page looks like on the Supplier Directory. Currently there is no intention to give suppliers direct access to the full directory due to privacy.
Q: When will the directory be rolled out to all countries?
A: Progressively during 2023. If you are a global supplier with an international contract please provide all of the information for all of the countries.
Q: Is this the same as Astore Shop/Mirakl? If we load our products on Mirakl is it connected to the Directory?
A: No this is not the same tool. Astore Shop/Mirakl allows hotels/clients to order items directly. The supplier directory is a more high level overview of your supplier/company profile and offering. Think of it as a shop window for clients to peruse, where as Astore Shop/Mirakl is like being directly inside the shop and purchasing items. Your products in Astore Shop/Mirakl will not be directly linked, however on the Astore Procurement Supplier Directory page, we will add a "order via astore shop" link for clients which, if clients click on it, will redirect them directly to your shop for ordering.
Q: Is it possible to put a keyword on an activity carried out by the company but not integrated in the basic referencing?
R: Of course, if the keywords you add are related to the business of the business, they can be used.
Questions regarding Contacts
Q: Can the contact detail be different depending on region?
A: Yes, you can provide contacts per country(ies). While adding your contacts you have the possibility to specify which country perimeter they cover
Questions regarding languages
Q: As an "international" global supplier, do I need to provide my information in all languages?
A: No, as an international supplier you only need to provide your information in English.
Q: As an "local" supplier available only in one or a few countries, do I need to provide my information in all languages?
A: Yes, if you are a local supplier and only distribute to one or a few countries, you must provide the information in the local languages.
Questions regarding the delivery or distribution terms
Q: We sell our products via different Distributors/system integrators. How do we fill this out in the Directory?
A: You can either use the "How to Order" field or the "Distribution method" field. Both are free text fields so you can specify as much or as little as you need to here. You can write per country the method of distribution, or the specific integrator/distributor.
Q: Can the delivery conditions be listed based on delivery country?
A: Yes but it is a free text field, so you can insert specificities per country, but be mindful that all clients will see the response for all countries. If you do not want that, you can write "please contact us directly to find out the delivery conditions for your country"
Q: As a global supplier, we deliver globally but many delivery conditions are defined locally. It is managed by the local countries. How do we insert this information into the directory?
A: You should provide as much detail as possible for your global contract. Then, if a local contract is present, the local contact will be contacted during the local deployment and will be asked to ENRICH your data with their local terms. If no local contract is present then you should provide as much information as possible at this stage.
Q: I am a supplier with different product ranges or different products depending on each hotel brand. How do I fill this information out for the directory?
A: You can detail in your offer/description what is available for each brand. You will also be able to upload documents so you can upload a document per brand. If you have other specificities you will see most fields in the form are free text so you will be able to easily specify. For example: "For Ibis, Minimum order quantity 10 units, For Novotel Minimum order quantity 15 units..etc"
Questions regarding Document uploads
Q: As a supplier, am I limited in the number of documents I can upload or make available online?
A: No you are not limited, you can put as many as you think are fit an relevant for the clients.
Q: Can suppliers upload Product Youtube Videos?
A: Best practice is to upload the video directly in the supplier documents. This avoids users navigating away from the directory and onto other websites. Suppliers can upload MP4 videos directly.
Q: What is the maximum size of a document that can be uploaded.
A: There is no maximum file size limit, but if you face any difficulties please contact your local Digital Manager who can support you here.
Questions regarding Pricing
Q: Are the prices shown anywhere?
A: If you want to display your prices then you can by uploading a price file in the document section. Your category manager will have final validation as to whether this is displayed or not as the decision differs per country and per category
Other questions
Q: What is a direct supplier?
R: A direct supplier of Accor is a supplier that distributes directly to hotels, while an indirect supplier is a supplier that uses other suppliers to distribute its products.
Q: Is it possible to offer several services or are we subject to ACCOR validation?
R: You can offer various services, but it needs to be specified in the contract you have signed with Accor.