The first 4 columns are dedicated to the client/hotel data:
Errors: display if data errors is detected for this hotel.
Mega Code: a 5 digits code made of 5 numbers and followed by the above client code - type 12345.H1234
Client’s Code: a 5 digits code starting with one letter and followed by 4 numbers - type H1234
Client’s Name: this column is just used as information for you to help you recognise the client code/mega code. This is not for you to be filled.
Each line has to have at least a valid client OR mega code
Each column present from the E column are the amounts to be declared. There can be one to many of them depending on your contract(s) terms. (They are displayed in blue)
They are all numbers – some correspond to money amount (TurnOver), some to units (volumes or units sold)
If these column(s) are empty for one or many lines/client, then the amount will be considered as 0, so as if you were declaring you have not made any business for this period with this client.
Be very careful, every time you are uploading a new file using the button upload, the previous content will be replaced.
If you wish to update the existing data, there are two solutions:
1. Fill in each line by clicking in the "value" field to edit
Do not forget to click on "Validate" after you made all your changes, or your changes will not be saved
2. Download the template with the existing date using the button "Download Current Data".
The Excel file will then already have all the existing data including the potential errors/warnings
Make any changes you want then use the "Upload" button to upload your new file.
Do not forget to click on "Validate" after you made all your changes.
The labels (first line) of the templates in the Excel file are can be changed. When you upload the template on Astore Suite, your data will be uploaded in the right fields anyway.
If you are changing the order of the columns, your import will not work.
None of the lines are mandatory. The only mandatory data is the following:
If you are filling one declaration data (from column E) on one line, then you need to have at least the Hotel Code OR the Mega Code filled in for that specific line..
If you are filling one declaration data (from column E) on one line, then you need to have all the declaration columns filled it (all columns starting E if more than 1 exists)