IMPORTANT: Please watch our step-by-step video tutorial on how to carry out your declarative control Tutorial video to carry out declarative control (Hotel)
What is declarative control?
The declarative control process enables Accor hotels and clients to verify the spend declared by nominated suppliers.
This process allows Accor GPO to confirm the correct amounts to be invoiced to suppliers as well as the amounts to be redistributed back to clients.
When is declarative control done?
- During year Y, suppliers are required to declare their spend for the year.
- Controls are done the following year, i.e. they are done in year Y+1 for suppliers' amounts declared in Y.
- They are carried out during a 'declarative control campaign'.
- At the beginning of each year, usually around the month of February, the declarative control campaign opens.
Who is required to do controls?
If you are required to participate in a declarative control campaign, you will receive an email informing you of the opening of the campaign and asking to connect to Astore Suite (our contract and remuneration management tool) to carry out your controls.
Reminder, not all nominated suppliers are included in the declarative control campaign. Some are not eligible to participate in the campaign.
Only direct suppliers who have worked a full year with Accor GPO are eligible to participate in the declarative control campaign.
How do I carry out my declarative control?
Astore Suite our contract and remuneration management tool.
- In order to carry out your declarative control, you need to connect to Astore Suite:
- Go to "My actions" tab where you will find all your controls that need to be checked.
- You will have to accept or reject the supplier's amount.
- In the case where you disagree with the supplier amount, you are required to indicate your proposed amount and attach a supporting document (invoice).
- You can also start a discussion with the supplier within the control module.
Please follow this step-by-step video tutorial to carry out your declarative control: Tutorial video to carry out declarative control (Hotel)
In this video tutorial, you will be guided through the following steps:
What if I did not receive the email to connect to Astore Suite?
If you are a new user to Astore Suite and did not receive an email to set your password on the tool
- Go to Astore Suite:
- If this is the first time you are participating in a declarative control campaign, click on "Don't have a password yet?" and follow the steps to set your password
If you did not receive any email:
- Please check your Spam folder or Junk emails
- Use the Help button at the right bottom of the page