- Automatic validation threshold
If the difference between the amount proposed by the supplier and the amount proposed by the customer is less in absolute value than a certain threshold defined per field. The last amount proposed by the supplier will be automatically validated by Astore.
Indeed, the amount of the service fee then associated does not justify the processing times by all parties.
To find out the automatic validation threshold for your zone, you can get closer to Customer Service by using the live chat available on the tool (if need be, see the process « Ask Customer Service for help »).
This automatic validation can take place at any stage of a conversation - at the very beginning before the first exchange (comparison between the amount declared and the amount entered in the customer accounting system) - as well as during the exchanges of the conversation if the amounts proposed by the parties are sufficiently close and reach the automatic validation threshold.
- Proposal less than the supplier’s amount
In the case where an establishment makes a lower proposal than the supplier's, then the control is automatically validated with the supplier's amount.
A control automatically validated appears as below :