Q: Where is my Delivery?
A: Please contact the supplier customer services with your order number
Q: A product(s) is missing from my delivery?
A: Please contact supplier customer services with your order number & the missing product information
Q: A product is missing from my delivery & I have still been invoiced for it?
A: Please contact supplier customer services with your order number & the missing product information on the following details to request a credit note credit notes should be issues within 5 working days
Q: Can you please advise price list for my suppliers
A: For the most up to date pricing for suppliers that are on Astore shop please visit for non Astore shop suppliers or if you are not on Astore Shop please contact your Astore Customer Services
Q: How much is the minimum order value/quantity
A: The minimum order may vary, best is to log in to the Astore Shop platform where minimum orders are updated and available to all Accor and partners properties. Note that order may NOT be blocked if you do not reach the minimum order value and you may be charged a delivery fee or the difference in value between your order and the minimum order value.
Q: The price on Astore is different than on invoice.
A: Applicable are prices existing on Astore. Please contact supplier customer services directly to raise a credit & or new invoice
Q: I need “X product”, where can I buy it ?
A: To find a product, you can use the search function on Astore Shop. If you still don't find the product you are looking for, please reach out to the procurement team.
Q: I have received the following quotation from a non-referenced supplier, can you please compare it with your solutions ?
A: If you need to make a cost comparison between a non-referenced supplier and a nominated contrat, please reach out to the Procurement team.