How to log on to Astore Procurement - Suppliers Directory & News
Astore Procurement is available on
If you do not have an Astore Procurement account, please refer to this article to request for an account.
If you already have an account on Astore Procurement, you can log in to the directory through the Login button.
- To connect to Astore Procurement go to
- Then click on "Login"
You will be redirected to the following page:
If you are an Accor Partner, please fill in the left side of the page:
- Fill in your email and your password
- Then click on "Sign in" to access Astore Procurement and see suppliers information
If you are part of Accor Network, click on "Sign in" and you will access to the Astore Procuement - Suppliers Directory & News.
Make sure you are connected to the Accor Network or to the VPN.