In case you need help with your data collection, you have several options:
1/ If you have questions concerning the Data Collection and how to fill in your information, you can consult the articles on the Astore knowledge base:
2/ In case you have questions about the tool or difficulties related to the tool to fill in your Data Collection, please use the "Help" button at the bottom right of your data collection.
To use the "Help" function, click on the "Help" button at the bottom right of your screen. You will have the possiblity to search information by writing keywords in the search bar. For example, write "Data Collection". You will have access to articles and information linked to the keywords filled in.
If after using the search bar, you do not find the information you are looking for, you can click on the "Contact us" button.
Fill in your name, email address, write your question and add a file or a screenshot if needed, then click on the "Send" button. Your question will be forwarded to the Astore Customer Service.
3/ If after consulting the knowledge base and contacting the customer service, you still do not find an answer to your question, please contact your Accor category manager.