What is the clients code/name?
Each country/zone has a list of clients/hotels you can declare on for a specific campaign:
Clients which have been likely to purchase goods/services from you during the campaign date – Q4 2019 for example
Clients/hotels could then potentially be closed at the time of declaration or not opened yet but still have purchased from you
We have two ways to classify our clients: with a client code/’H code’ or a ‘Mega code’:
• The mega code is a 5 digits code made of 5 numbers and followed by the above client code - type 12345.H1234
• The client code is a 5 digits code starting with one letter and followed by 4 numbers - type H1234
• You can use either or of the code to link your declaration to each client
The list of clients linked to each campaign is available at any time in the tool through the link “See list of all clients”