When you enter data either manually either by uploading an Excel file, the system automatically checks a few dimensions to ensure that your data is correct.
If there are some mistakes in the data, an error notification will be displayed.
You will be able to see the different notifications
In the dashboard
Directly when you download your file
✓ Code Mega unknown ➔ The Mega Code is not valid
✓ You must provide either Code Mega or Client Code/HCode ➔ You must provide either Mega Code or
Client Code/HCode, both cannot be empty
✓ No client associated to Client Code/HCode ➔ The Mega Code is not valid
✓ Blablabla is not a number ➔ XXX should be a number
Until you have cleared all your errors, you will not be able to validate your declaration
Only errors block you to validate your declaration
If you have already filled declaration data, manually or through an Excel file, you can then
download a new Excel file including all info and errors for each line to help you solve the problems