Due to the system rules, it is required to create one workflow per Supplier selection & per PO creators group.
Therefore If I have three steps in my approval chain, it means that I will certainly need to create two different workflows for the same supplier selection.
For instance, for the supplier Coca Cola:
-The Group A can create & send to the supplier a Purchase Order (PO) until 50$ without any approval. Above this amount, the PO is sent to the group B for validation.
-The Group B :
-can validate the PO (created by the group A) until 100$. Above this amount, the PO is sent to the Group C for a final validation
-can also create & send to the supplier a PO until 100$ without any approval. Above this amount the PO is sent to the group C for a final validation
To configure this situation, two different workflows should be created for the supplier Coca-Cola. One starting by “Group A” and one other starting by “Group B”. Warning: the threshold must be coherent between those two flows