Add a product to the cart
1. Click on the + button to add an item from the product catalog to your cart (you can choose the quantity directly)
2. You can also add an item from the product page (in the same way)
Mini-cart and cart details
You can see the details of your cart in the top right-hand corner and by clicking Go to the cart page
3. There is a reminder of the minimum order value for the supplier and for the free shipping (expressed here in amount)
4. Click on the arrow to access the order details (in order to display products included in the order)
Delivery information
Click on Validate cart
5. Delivery and billing addresses have to be checked
6. Check and select the delivery methods offered by the supplier
7. You can enter a delivery instruction for the current order
8. You can see the details of the order by clicking on this arrow (display of products ordered from this supplier)
9. You can export your order as a PDF file
Click on Place my order
You might see in the delivery method section an information icon. This icon will allow you to check whether the supplier you wish to order from has declared any days off and whether this will have an impact on your delivery.
Order confirmation
10. You can print your order by clicking on this button