Your product imports can often be blocked due incorrectly filled in product details. This can cause errors which blocks the import of the product into Mirakl or our product library in our system.
There are many different errors for product imports. You should try and understand some common errors and be able to resolve the below errors. For all other errors please ask seller support to resolve.
Product import errors you can resolve
When a seller imports products, the final status of the import can be:
The file imported by the seller is not correctly formatted, and a parsing error is returned.
The reasons can be:
- The CSV file contains an unescaped double quote: in a CSV file, the double quote is a standard delimiter character between values. If the seller imports values like 'iPhone 5" screen', the double-quote must be escaped (example: 'iPhone 5"" screen')
- The CSV file encoding must be using the UTF-8 format
- Check the CSV file encoding is UTF-8
- Search in the file through a text editor if you find any unescaped double quotes and ask the seller to fix the file before importing it again
FTP Image error.
Error: Cannot download a file: Server error: `GET url inserted here` resulted in a `500 Internal Server Error` response
Problem: This means that the URL link you have inserted into the product file is not working as the system cannot reach the server/ftp location indicated in the link. The link cannot be processed or checked due to this.
Solution: You must fix the error by ensuring the server is available when you pushed the template file and that your server does not block our system when our system wants to retrieve the file.
Error: Cannot download a file: Client error: `GET url inserted here` resulted in a `404 Not found` response
Problem: This means that the URL link you have inserted into the product file is not correct. There could be a few reasons for this:
- The image that is hosted on the link cannot be reached using that URL. Or perhaps the image is not on the server.
- Perhaps the syntax of the URL is incorrect. It is missing .png or .jpg at the end/as an extension
- Sometimes the file extension you provide is in Upper case but the actual URL is in lowercase.
Solution: You must fix the error. There are a few possibilities that could be causing this error therefore there may be a few solutions
- either by ensuring the image exists at the URL location (perhaps you forgot to upload the image to the FTP or server).
- Or to ask the supplier to check where the image is stored on the FTP or server and generate a new link.
- Check the file extension is correct - it must end in .jpg or .png
- Check the details in the link --> perhaps they put "http" but actually the link they meant to put is "https", or similarly they provided a link in all uppercase but the link should be lowercase
GTIN errors
Error: Error on GTIN
Problem: This error appears when you upload a product/shop SKU again to the system but this time has used the wrong gtin for his product (as a different gtin has already been set up in our database when you first imported the product/shop SKU).
Example : You have a product "Baked Beans" with shop sku 1234 and with gtin vn = 1234. However this time you decided to push a product file with product "Baked Beans" with shop sku 1234 but with gtin ean = 1234. This means you have changed which GTIN field you have used.
The system recognises it's the same product because the shop sku is the same, but can not match it with a gtin as the gtin has changed (perhaps you accidentally filled in EAN instead of VN this time or vice versa etc)
The main aim here is for the seller support to identify the correct gtin that was previously imported, and inform you of it, and they will ask you to update your product file to map what you previously imported
Error: No GTIN
Problem: Either a VN or EAN is mandatory for a successful integration. If the Error "No gtin" is produced then you have failed to add one GTIN Attribute to their product (EAN, VN, MPC)
Solution: You have to add at least one of the GTIN attributes to you product as it is a mandatory field and then reimport the file
Error: GTIN already exists
Problem: Similar to the Error on GTIN, but vice versa. You have uploaded a SHOP SKU that is different, but used a VN or EAN (GTIN) that is already in use by another Shop SKU in your imports (all within the same SHOP ID) (This error is not applicable across multiple shops as EAN can be used by multiple shops with different shop skus)
Example: You have a product "Medium Eggs x 12" with shop sku 1234 and with gtin vn = 1234. However this time you decided to push a product file with product "Medium Eggs x 12" with shop sku 2345 but with gtin vn = 1234. The system recognises that the same VN is used (1234) by the same shop and highlights an error as the shop SKU is different this time.
Once the seller support has the original shop sku used, they will ask you if you really meant to upload the GTIN and product with a different shop SKU compared to previously.
If you DID mean to change it then the seller support needs to handle the shop sku change.
If you made a mistake then the seller will ask you to import the product with the correct shop sku from previous and it will clear the error.
Error: The category insert category is unknown
Problem 1: You have added a category that can not be read or understood by the system. This may be because they have a typing error OR because you have chosen a category that does not exist in Mirakl/Astore Shop OR you are trying to use your own categories.
Solution: The category is a mandatory field and has a huge impact on how hotels search and find products so it is important to use accurate and relevant categories. Astore shop has a long list of predefined categories and suppliers must use these categories and not their own. The category they have selected for their product does not exist in Mirakl and you should use one of the AStore Shop/Mirakl categories to ensure hotels can find the products easily.
- You can find the list of available categories by downloading a new product template or by using the reference tab in their current product template.
- Remind them the format must be exactly the same as what is listed in the reference tab. If they accidentally changed the category with lower case or uppercase or removed the "/" or added a space the system wont be able to read the category.
Problem 2: In some scenarios suppliers have onboarded their products onto Mirakl using a Mapping configuration. This means they use their own product template structure, and "educate" Mirakl to read their product template and map it into the Astore Shop product structure. Suppliers sometimes then import new products with categories not previously imported into Mirakl and mapped, therefore they will receive the above error
Solution 2: Remind those suppliers whom use the mapping configuration to reimport their product file in the mapping wizard and associate their unmapped categories to a category in Mirakl/Astore Shop configuration. Once the mapping is complete they can import their product file again and the category will be read accurately and the error resolved
The attribute is required
Error: The attribute insert attribute is required
Problem: A mandatory attribute is required and the suppliers did not provide details in this attribute.
Solution: Inform the supplier to complete their product file by filling in the mandatory attributes. Explain that providing all mandatory attributes ensures the suppliers provide a high standard and good quality product information to clients.
Error: The attribute {0} is not in the possible values set in the value list
Problem: Some attributes are not free text and have a defined set of values to complete them. For example "Allergen free" attribute can only have the value "yes" or "no" assigned to it. Nothing else. For those attributes that have a defined values list you may see the above error when a supplier has tried to add a value that does not exist in the system
There are various possible problems causing this and various possible solutions:
Cause 1: The supplier may have a transcription error. This occurs when they have typed the value incorrectly. For example with the "allergen free" attribute - the supplier may have written "YES ". However the system does not recognise that as a correct value as it is in upper case and has a space after the text. Where as the value in Mirakl is "yes".
Solution 1: Ask the supplier to reformat the attributes in error in their product file by using the available values in the reference data tab. Using the values in the reference data tab will ensure suppliers are using the correct values in the correct formats (i.e capital letters and spaces)
Cause 2: The supplier may need to use a value that does not exist in Mirakl or Astore Shop yet. This is quite common in "manufacturer" or "brand" attributes and values. For example a supplier may want to add a "Heinz" product but perhaps "Heinz" was never created as a brand in AStore shop previously. It is a valid request to add an attribute. We can only add attribute values for SOME attributes. For example we cannot add attribute values to the "allergen" attribute as these are defined by EU law.
Solution 2: If you think the need to add the attribute value is genuine and real and enhances the platform then you need to escalate to L2 whome can request with the Astore Shop IT team via a Jira ticket an Attribute value creation. You must inform the supplier that we are doing work on our side to add the value to the available list of values for that attribute and we will inform them when it done and invite them to upload their product file again.
Cause 3: For those suppliers who use a mapping configuration, they may have imported attribute values that are valid in their system but may have forgotten to map these values to existing AStore Shop/Mirakl attribute values
Solution 3: Remind those suppliers whom use the mapping configuration to reimport their product file in the mapping wizard and associate their unmapped attribute values to a value in Mirakl/Astore Shop configuration. Once the mapping is complete they can import their product file again and the attribute value will be read accurately and the error resolved
Below is a more detailed list of errors. Level 1 are not expected to know all of the below. If you see an error on a product import that is not listed above then you must escalate to Level 2 to resolve.