To know more about requirements for images please check here.
If you have pictures on the Web
In case your pictures are publicly accessible on the web (no password protection) then you can just provide direct links to your pictures, e.g.
Please note that the link must lead to a specific photo (i.e. ends with .jpg or .png) and not to your website or a subpage of the product (i.e. if it ends with .html than it is wrong).
If you have pictures on your hard drive
In case you have products' pictures on your local drive then you have to make them publicly available first to allow Accor Shop to download them. You can use two ways:
- use your own FTP - upload there pictures and use the links leading to them
- use Accor FTP.
Accor provides FTP server for suppliers to use for uploading pictures (and also other media e.g. PDF files with product documentation). You can learn more about Accor FTP here.
We recommend including product SKU in the name of the picture for easier orientation. If you provide more then one image for a product you can name pictures with the product SKU + letter: a, b, c … and so on.