All products have to have one main image which will be also presented on products lists, order page, etc. There are some special requirements for this image (see below). Products can also have additional images that will present some more details.
All images posted in the system must meet the following conditions:
- product must not appear distorted
- file size: max. 500 KB
- file format: JPG or PNG
- color:
- depth: corresponding to the TrueColor standard 24/32 bpp
- image must present actual product colors - black-and-white pictures will not be accepted
- resolution:
- recommended density is 300dpi, minimal is 72dpi
- recommended size for images is 1000 x 1000 pixel
Main image:
- product have to be presented on a white background
- the visuals must represent the product alone - sets, people, etc. will not be accepted
Additional images:
- the visuals may represent the product in sets, with people, in use