If you already have a product database, all you have to do is to establish a connection between your existing product catalog and Accor’s through a mapping process of each of your categories, attributes, and list of attribute values.
You will need to repeat this action for each new product category you wish to put on sale.
8 steps are required to configure the mapping :
My inventory -> import from file-> open the configuration wizard :
1. Import your own file :
2. Categorization : Specify the column where your product families are listed and the separator used between your families. This will allow the tool to create the tree structure of the products to be mapped with that of Accor.
Warning if your file has categories in different columns, you can use the "." or "_" separator in a formula to combine several columns in one cell.
Note: it is essential that the product category be in a single column.
3. Category Mapping
- Expand each category by clicking on the "+": the sub-categories will appear.
- You must match the last sub-levels of categories with those of Accor.
- Once you have mapped a category, it becomes grayed out. To modify click on "Mapping remaining" and then click on the cross next to the category you want to modify.
4. Attribute Mapping
Your attributes must match the Accor attributes.
All Accor attributes in red are required and mandatory to import products.
Like the category mapping, attributes spelled the same way will be mapped automatically. For the others you will have to do it manually by dragging the attributes from your catalog on the left into the Accor attributes on the right.
6. Mapping of attribute values
As in the previous step, you must click on the arrow to perform the auto-mapping of your value lists. For the remaining ones, you have to drag them from your list on the left to the Accor list on the right.
Note: The list of "Brand" values referenced by Accor is not exhaustive, it is possible that one of your brands is not included: send an email to support. Specify in the subject line of the email "new brands to be integrated" and in the body of the email the list of your missing brands.
7. Definition of the rules
You can transform or validate the content of the attributes at this step.
Example: automatically add a capital letter at the beginning of each sentence: Transformation > Capital letter at the beginning of a sentence.
8. Summary and Validation
This information allows you to visualize the results of your mapping before finalizing the import of your catalog.